Monday, August 25, 2008

Well it seems I am not as good at this as I thought I would be. I have been housecleaning so I haven't had the time to post any thoughts for about a week. Now that I am finished, I can get back to doing some fun stuff, I made some jewelry today that I hope to sell at a church fair in the fall. There will be a lot to do this fall as we have some red hat outings planned and there is always getting ready for Christmas. Time flies and there is always so much to do. I hope to make more jewelry and do some sewing in the upcoming days. Tomorrow I am getting my rugs cleaned, not like they need it! .

My thought for today,-----------------------Life is short, shorter than we know, so make each day the best it can be!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

well today is Sunday and I finished some of my Christmas gifts. There is not much happening in my life right now , but I am going to see m son and his family tomorrow, haven't seen then since Christmas. I will use this blog as a personal diary for awhile. I don't know how much of a writer I will turn out to be. my thought for today is------------------keep a stiff upper lip!! Self pity never gets you anywhere,but down, there are a lot of people in this world who would love to have the life I do!!!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

my first attempt to blog.

today is saturday, August the 16th, 2008 and Ihave decided to start a blog, I have never even considered something like this, but I have decided to expand my horizons. I think to start I will simply say that I am here and will try and write something each day, if anyone happens to read this and would like to respond, I would love to hear from you. I will say that I am female,in my 60's and live in Pa. I think I will add a thought for each day and try to live by it. Today's thought is ---------Remember the less fortunate. We had a missionay speak at our church today and she was from eastern Kentucky, not very far from me, and to listen to her, I realize how very blessed I am. So---------Remember the less fortuante!!!